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Partner Brands

Perfect Synergy: Your Vision, Our Expertise

With a commitment to excellence, Hydration Headquarters LLC empowers businesses and brands to optimize their reach, efficiency, profitability, and success.  Our expertise extends beyond conventional contract manufacturing, as we also bring flexibility and innovation to the table. Whether you seek a reliable co-packing partner, a licensee for your intellectual property, or wish to embark on a collaborative partnership,. we can explore tailored solutions that meet your needs.   

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Proud to be a Tampico Beverages Licensed Manufacturer 

For over 25 years, Tampico customers have been served irresistible products and smiles. 

Tampico is constantly striving to create moments of joy for consumers through its products. With a dedicated and inquisitive team behind everything they do, they are always improving. From their first flavor in 1989 to 13 flavors today, they are imagining more irresistible flavor blends for every taste occasion. From first launching in the United States to now having a presence in more than 50 countries, they are imagining a more colorful world for everyone bold enough to explore it. From juice drinks to expanding into new categories like gelatin, freezer pops, and ice cream, they are imagining more joy-filled moments spent with family and friends.

Checkout their full website at:

A Few Contract Manufacturing Options

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